audio β„– word type definition translation
πŸ”Š 1 insurgence noun Uprising. insypeling
πŸ”Š 2 insurgent noun One who takes part in forcible opposition to the constituted authorities of a place. oproerig
πŸ”Š 3 insurrection noun The state of being in active resistance to authority. opstand
πŸ”Š 4 intangible adjective Not perceptible to the touch. ontasbare
πŸ”Š 5 integrity noun Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principle. integriteit
πŸ”Š 6 intellect noun The faculty of perception or thought. intellek
πŸ”Š 7 intellectual adjective Characterized by intelligence. intellektuele
πŸ”Š 8 intelligence noun Capacity to know or understand. intelligensie
πŸ”Š 9 intelligible adjective Comprehensible. verstaanbaar
πŸ”Š 10 intemperance noun Immoderate action or indulgence, as of the appetites. onmatigheid
πŸ”Š 11 intension noun The act of stringing or stretching, or state of being strained. voorneme
πŸ”Š 12 intensive adjective Adding emphasis or force. intensiewe
πŸ”Š 13 intention noun That upon which the mind is set. bedoeling
πŸ”Š 14 interact verb To act reciprocally. interaksie
πŸ”Š 15 intercede verb To mediate between persons. voorbidding
πŸ”Š 16 intercept verb To interrupt the course of. afsnit
πŸ”Š 17 intercession noun Entreaty in behalf of others. voorbidding
πŸ”Š 18 intercessor noun A mediator. bemiddelaar
πŸ”Š 19 interdict noun Authoritative act of prohibition. interdik
πŸ”Š 20 interim noun Time between acts or periods. tussentydse
πŸ”Š 21 interlocutor noun One who takes part in a conversation or oral discussion. gesprek
πŸ”Š 22 interlude noun An action or event considered as coming between others of greater length. tussenspel
πŸ”Š 23 intermediate adjective Being in a middle place or degree or between extremes. intermediΓͺre
πŸ”Š 24 interminable adjective Having no limit or end. eindelose
πŸ”Š 25 intermission noun A recess. ophou
πŸ”Š 26 intermit verb To cause to cease temporarily. staken
πŸ”Š 27 intermittent adjective A temporary discontinuance. afwisselende
πŸ”Š 28 interpolation noun Verbal interference. interpolasie
πŸ”Š 29 interpose verb To come between other things or persons. tussen plekke
πŸ”Š 30 interposition noun A coming between. tussenvoeging
πŸ”Š 31 interpreter noun A person who makes intelligible the speech of a foreigner by oral translation. tolk
πŸ”Š 32 interrogate verb To examine formally by questioning. ondervra
πŸ”Š 33 interrogative adjective Having the nature or form of a question. vraende
πŸ”Š 34 interrogatory noun A question or inquiry. ondervraging
πŸ”Š 35 interrupt verb To stop while in progress. onderbreek
πŸ”Š 36 intersect verb To cut through or into so as to divide. sny
πŸ”Š 37 intervale noun A low tract of land between hills, especially along a river. Intervale
πŸ”Š 38 intervene verb To interfere for some end. gryp
πŸ”Š 39 intestacy noun The condition resulting from one's dying not having made a valid will. intestate
πŸ”Š 40 intestate adjective Not having made a valid will. intestate
πŸ”Š 41 intestine noun That part of the digestive tube below or behind the stomach, extending to the anus. dunderm
πŸ”Š 42 intimacy noun Close or confidential friendship. intimiteit
πŸ”Š 43 intimidate verb To cause to become frightened. intimideer
πŸ”Š 44 intolerable adjective Insufferable. ondraaglik
πŸ”Š 45 intolerance noun Inability or unwillingness to bear or endure. onverdraagsaamheid
πŸ”Š 46 intolerant adjective Bigoted. onverdraagsaam
πŸ”Š 47 intoxicant noun Anything that unduly exhilarates or excites. bedwelming
πŸ”Š 48 intoxicate verb To make drunk. bedwelm
πŸ”Š 49 intracellular adjective Occurring or situated within a cell. intrasellulΓͺre
πŸ”Š 50 intramural adjective Situated within the walls of a city. binnemuurse
πŸ”Š 51 intrepid adjective Fearless and bold. onverskrokke
πŸ”Š 52 intricacy noun Perplexity. ingewikkeldheid
πŸ”Š 53 intricate adjective Difficult to follow or understand. ingewikkelde
πŸ”Š 54 intrigue noun A plot or scheme, usually complicated and intended to accomplish something by secret ways. intrige
πŸ”Š 55 intrinsic adjective Inherent. intrinsieke
πŸ”Š 56 introductory adjective Preliminary. inleidende
πŸ”Š 57 intromit verb To insert. intromit
πŸ”Š 58 introspect verb To look into. deur dring
πŸ”Š 59 introspection noun The act of observing and analyzing one's own thoughts and feelings. introspeksie
πŸ”Š 60 introversion noun The act of turning or directing inward, physically or mentally. introversie
πŸ”Š 61 introvert verb To turn within. introvert
πŸ”Š 62 intrude verb To come in without leave or license. indringen
πŸ”Š 63 intrusion noun The act of entering without warrant or invitation; encroachment. inbraak
πŸ”Š 64 intuition noun Instinctive knowledge or feeling. intuΓ―sie
πŸ”Š 65 inundate verb To fill with an overflowing abundance. oorstroom
πŸ”Š 66 inundation noun Flood. oorstroming
πŸ”Š 67 inure verb To harden or toughen by use, exercise, or exposure. ten goede kom
πŸ”Š 68 invalid noun One who is disabled by illness or injury. ongeldig
πŸ”Š 69 invalid adjective Having no force, weight, or cogency. ongeldig
πŸ”Š 70 invalidate verb To render of no force or effect. ongeldig
πŸ”Š 71 invaluable adjective Exceedingly precious. onskatbare waarde
πŸ”Š 72 invariable adjective Unchangeable. onveranderlike
πŸ”Š 73 invasion noun Encroachment, as by an act of intrusion or trespass. inval
πŸ”Š 74 invective noun An utterance intended to cast censure, or reproach. uitskellery
πŸ”Š 75 inveigh verb To utter vehement censure or invective. dreiging
πŸ”Š 76 inventive adjective Quick at contrivance. vindingryke
πŸ”Š 77 inverse adjective Contrary in tendency or direction. omgekeerde
πŸ”Š 78 inversion noun Change of order so that the first shall become last and the last first. inversie
πŸ”Š 79 invert verb To turn inside out, upside down, or in opposite direction. invert
πŸ”Š 80 investigator noun One who investigates. ondersoeker
πŸ”Š 81 investor noun One who invests money. belegger
πŸ”Š 82 inveterate adjective Habitual. verstok
πŸ”Š 83 invidious adjective Showing or feeling envy. netelig
πŸ”Š 84 invigorate verb To animate. versterk
πŸ”Š 85 invincible adjective Not to be conquered, subdued, or overcome. onoorwinlike
πŸ”Š 86 inviolable adjective Incapable of being injured or disturbed. onherroeplik
πŸ”Š 87 invoke verb To call on for assistance or protection. roep
πŸ”Š 88 involuntary adjective Unwilling. onwillekeurige
πŸ”Š 89 involution noun Complication. involusie
πŸ”Š 90 involve verb To draw into entanglement, literally or figuratively. betrek
πŸ”Š 91 invulnerable adjective That can not be wounded or hurt. onkwetsbaar
πŸ”Š 92 inwardly adverb With no outward manifestation. inwendig
πŸ”Š 93 iota noun A small or insignificant mark or part. iota
πŸ”Š 94 irascible adjective Prone to anger. driftig
πŸ”Š 95 irate adjective Moved to anger. kwaad
πŸ”Š 96 ire noun Wrath. ire
πŸ”Š 97 iridescence noun A many-colored appearance. glans
πŸ”Š 98 iridescent adjective Exhibiting changing rainbow-colors due to the interference of the light. iris
πŸ”Š 99 irk verb To afflict with pain, vexation, or fatigue. irk
πŸ”Š 100 irksome adjective Wearisome. lastig
πŸ”Š 101 irony noun Censure or ridicule under cover of praise or compliment. ironie
πŸ”Š 102 irradiance noun Luster. uitstraling
πŸ”Š 103 irradiate verb To render clear and intelligible. bestraal
πŸ”Š 104 irrational adjective Not possessed of reasoning powers or understanding. irrasionele
πŸ”Š 105 irreducible adjective That can not be lessened. onverminderbare
πŸ”Š 106 irrefragable adjective That can not be refuted or disproved. onmiskenbare dreigende
πŸ”‡ irrefrangible adjective That can not be broken or violated. irrefrangible
πŸ”Š 108 irrelevant adjective Inapplicable. irrelevant
πŸ”Š 109 irreligious adjective Indifferent or opposed to religion. ongodsdienstig
πŸ”Š 110 irreparable adjective That can not be rectified or made amends for. onherstelbare
πŸ”Š 111 irrepressible adjective That can not be restrained or kept down. onstuitbare
πŸ”Š 112 irresistible adjective That can not be successfully withstood or opposed. onweerstaanbaar
πŸ”Š 113 irresponsible adjective Careless of or unable to meet responsibilities. onverantwoordelike
πŸ”Š 114 irreverence noun The quality showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things. oneerbiedigheid
πŸ”Š 115 irreverent adjective Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things. oneerbiedige
πŸ”Š 116 irreversible adjective Irrevocable. onomkeerbaar
πŸ”‡ irrigant adjective Serving to water lands by artificial means. irrigant
πŸ”Š 118 irrigate verb To water, as land, by ditches or other artificial means. besproei
πŸ”Š 119 irritable adjective Showing impatience or ill temper on little provocation. prikkelbare
πŸ”‡ irritancy noun The quality of producing vexation. IRRITANCY
πŸ”Š 121 irritant noun A mechanical, chemical, or pathological agent of inflammation, pain, or tension. irriterend
πŸ”Š 122 irritate verb To excite ill temper or impatience in. irriteer
πŸ”Š 123 irruption noun Sudden invasion. inval
πŸ”Š 124 isle noun An island. eiland
πŸ”Š 125 islet noun A little island. eiland
πŸ”Š 126 isobar noun A line joining points at which the barometric pressure is the same at a specified moment. isobaar
πŸ”Š 127 isochronous adjective Relating to or denoting equal intervals of time. isochronous
πŸ”Š 128 isolate verb To separate from others of its kind. isoleer
πŸ”Š 129 isothermal adjective Having or marking equality of temperature. isotermiese
πŸ”Š 130 itinerant adjective Wandering. rondreisende
πŸ”Š 131 itinerary noun A detailed account or diary of a journey. reisplan
πŸ”Š 132 itinerate verb To wander from place to place. itinerate
πŸ”Š 133 jargon noun Confused, unintelligible speech or highly technical speech. jargon
πŸ”Š 134 jaundice noun A morbid condition, due to obstructed excretion of bile or characterized by yellowing of the skin. geelsug
πŸ”Š 135 jeopardize verb To imperil. gevaar
πŸ”Š 136 Jingo noun One of a party in Great Britain in favor of spirited and demonstrative foreign policy. Jingo
πŸ”Š 137 jocose adjective Done or made in jest. schertsend
πŸ”Š 138 jocular adjective Inclined to joke. snaaks
πŸ”Š 139 joggle noun A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake. vertanden
πŸ”Š 140 journalize verb To keep a diary. journalize
πŸ”Š 141 joust verb To engage in a tilt with lances on horseback. toernooi
πŸ”Š 142 jovial adjective Merry. joviale
πŸ”Š 143 jubilation noun Exultation. vreugde
πŸ”Š 144 judgment noun The faculty by the exercise of which a deliberate conclusion is reached. oordeel
πŸ”Š 145 judicature noun Distribution and administration of justice by trial and judgment. regspraak
πŸ”Š 146 judicial adjective Pertaining to the administration of justice. geregtelike
πŸ”Š 147 judiciary noun That department of government which administers the law relating to civil and criminal justice. regbank
πŸ”Š 148 judicious adjective Prudent. oordeelkundige
πŸ”Š 149 juggle verb To play tricks of sleight of hand. jongleren
πŸ”Š 150 jugglery noun The art or practice of sleight of hand. goochelarij
πŸ”Š 151 jugular adjective Pertaining to the throat. jugulΓͺre
πŸ”Š 152 juicy adjective Succulent. sappige
πŸ”Š 153 junction noun The condition of being joined. aansluiting
πŸ”Š 154 juncture noun An articulation, joint, or seam. stadium
πŸ”Š 155 junta noun A council or assembly that deliberates in secret upon the affairs of government. junta
πŸ”Š 156 juridical adjective Assumed by law to exist. juridiese
πŸ”Š 157 jurisdiction noun Lawful power or right to exercise official authority. jurisdiksie
πŸ”Š 158 jurisprudence noun The science of rights in accordance with positive law. regspraak
πŸ”Š 159 juror noun One who serves on a jury or is sworn in for jury duty in a court of justice. jurielid
πŸ”Š 160 justification noun Vindication. regverdiging
πŸ”Š 161 juvenile adjective Characteristic of youth. jeugdige
πŸ”Š 162 juxtapose verb To place close together. naas mekaar plaas
πŸ”Š 163 keepsake noun Anything kept or given to be kept for the sake of the giver. aandenking
πŸ”Š 164 kerchief noun A square of linen, silk, or other material, used as a covering for the head or neck. kopdoek
πŸ”Š 165 kernel noun A grain or seed. kern
πŸ”Š 166 kiln noun An oven or furnace for baking, burning, or drying industrial products. oond
πŸ”Š 167 kilometer noun A length of 1,000 meters. kilometer
πŸ”Š 168 kilowatt noun One thousand watts. kilowatt
πŸ”Š 169 kimono noun A loose robe, fastening with a sash, the principal outer garment in Japan. kimono
πŸ”Š 170 kind-hearted adjective Having a kind and sympathetic nature.
πŸ”Š 171 kingship noun Royal state. koningskap
πŸ”Š 172 kinsfolk noun pl. Relatives. bloedverwante
πŸ”Š 173 knavery noun Deceitfulness in dealing. knavery
πŸ”Š 174 knead verb To mix and work into a homogeneous mass, especially with the hands. knie
πŸ”Š 175 knickknack noun A small article, more for ornament that use. dingetjie
πŸ”Š 176 knighthood noun Chivalry. ridder
πŸ”Š 177 laborious adjective Toilsome. moeisame
πŸ”Š 178 labyrinth noun A maze. labirint
πŸ”Š 179 lacerate verb To tear rudely or raggedly. ingeskeur
πŸ”Š 180 lackadaisical adjective Listless. sentimenteel
πŸ”Š 181 lactation noun The secretion of milk. laktasie
πŸ”Š 182 lacteal adjective Milky. lakteaal
πŸ”Š 183 lactic adjective Pertaining to milk. melksuur
πŸ”Š 184 laddie noun A lad. knaap
πŸ”Š 185 ladle noun A cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, intended for dipping up and pouring liquids. skeplepel
πŸ”Š 186 laggard adjective Falling behind. agteros
πŸ”Š 187 landholder noun Landowner. landholder
πŸ”Š 188 landlord noun A man who owns and lets a tenement or tenements. verhuurder
πŸ”Š 189 landmark noun A familiar object in the landscape serving as a guide to an area otherwise easily lost track of. landmerk
πŸ”Š 190 landscape noun A rural view, especially one of picturesque effect, as seen from a distance or an elevation. landskap
πŸ”Š 191 languid adjective Relaxed. slap
πŸ”Š 192 languor noun Lassitude of body or depression. loomheid
πŸ”Š 193 lapse noun A slight deviation from what is right, proper, or just. verval
πŸ”Š 194 lascivious adjective Lustful. losbandige
πŸ”Š 195 lassie noun A little lass. Lassie
πŸ”Š 196 latency noun The state of being dormant. latency
πŸ”Š 197 latent adjective Dormant. latente
πŸ”Š 198 later adverb At a subsequent time. later
πŸ”Š 199 lateral adjective Directed toward the side. laterale
πŸ”Š 200 latish adjective Rather late. aan de late kant

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