audio β„– word type definition translation
πŸ”Š 1 perpetrator noun The doer of a wrong or a criminal act. oortreder
πŸ”Š 2 perpetuate verb To preserve from extinction or oblivion. voortbestaan
πŸ”Š 3 perquisite noun Any profit from service beyond the amount fixed as salary or wages. uitsluitend besit
πŸ”Š 4 persecution noun Harsh or malignant oppression. vervolging
πŸ”Š 5 perseverance noun A persistence in purpose and effort. volharding
πŸ”Š 6 persevere verb To continue striving in spite of discouragements. volhard
πŸ”Š 7 persiflage noun Banter. persiflage
πŸ”Š 8 persist verb To continue steadfast against opposition. voortduur
πŸ”Š 9 persistence noun A fixed adherence to a resolve, course of conduct, or the like. volharding
πŸ”Š 10 personage noun A man or woman as an individual, especially one of rank or high station. persoonlikheid
πŸ”Š 11 personal adjective Not general or public. persoonlike
πŸ”Š 12 personality noun The attributes, taken collectively, that make up the character and nature of an individual. persoonlikheid
πŸ”Š 13 personnel noun The force of persons collectively employed in some service. personeel
πŸ”Š 14 perspective noun The relative importance of facts or matters from any special point of view. perspektief
πŸ”Š 15 perspicacious adjective Astute. scherpziend
πŸ”Š 16 perspicacity noun Acuteness or discernment. skerpsinnigheid
πŸ”Š 17 perspicuous adjective Lucid. deursigtig
πŸ”Š 18 perspiration noun Sweat. sweet
πŸ”Š 19 perspire verb To excrete through the pores of the skin. uitwasemen
πŸ”Š 20 persuadable adjective capable of influencing to action by entreaty, statement, or anything that moves the feelings. oorhaal
πŸ”Š 21 persuade verb To win the mind of by argument, eloquence, evidence, or reflection. oorreed
πŸ”Š 22 pertinacious adjective Persistent or unyielding. hardnekkige
πŸ”Š 23 pertinacity noun Unyielding adherence. volharding
πŸ”Š 24 pertinent adjective Relevant. pertinente
πŸ”Š 25 perturb verb To disturb greatly. beroering
πŸ”Š 26 perturbation noun Mental excitement or confusion. storing
πŸ”Š 27 perusal noun The act of reading carefully or thoughtfully. insae
πŸ”Š 28 pervade verb To pass or spread through every part. deurtrek
πŸ”Š 29 pervasion noun The state of spreading through every part. deur dring
πŸ”Š 30 pervasive adjective Thoroughly penetrating or permeating. deurdringende
πŸ”Š 31 perverse adjective Unreasonable. perverse
πŸ”Š 32 perversion noun Diversion from the true meaning or proper purpose. perversie
πŸ”Š 33 perversity noun Wickedness. perversiteit
πŸ”Š 34 pervert noun One who has forsaken a doctrine regarded as true for one esteemed false. verdraai
πŸ”Š 35 pervious adjective Admitting the entrance or passage of another substance. ontvanklik
πŸ”Š 36 pestilence noun A raging epidemic. pes
πŸ”Š 37 pestilent adjective Having a malign influence or effect. pes
πŸ”Š 38 pestilential adjective having the nature of or breeding pestilence. pes
πŸ”Š 39 peter verb To fail or lose power, efficiency, or value. Peter
πŸ”Š 40 petrify verb To convert into a substance of stony hardness and character. versteend
πŸ”Š 41 petulance noun The character or condition of being impatient, capricious or petulant. moedswilligheid
πŸ”Š 42 petulant adjective Displaying impatience. balorig
πŸ”Š 43 pharmacy noun The art or business of compounding and dispensing medicines. apteek
πŸ”Š 44 phenomenal adjective Extraordinary or marvelous. fenomenale
πŸ”Š 45 phenomenon noun Any unusual occurrence. verskynsel
πŸ”Š 46 philander verb To play at courtship with a woman. Philander
πŸ”Š 47 philanthropic adjective Benevolent. filantropiese
πŸ”Š 48 philanthropist noun One who endeavors to help his fellow men. filantroop
πŸ”Š 49 philanthropy noun Active humanitarianism. filantropie
πŸ”Š 50 philately noun The study and collection of stamps. filatelie
πŸ”Š 51 philharmonic adjective Fond of music. Filharmoniese
πŸ”‡ philogynist noun One who is fond of women. philogynist
πŸ”Š 53 philologist noun An expert in linguistics. filoloog
πŸ”Š 54 philology noun The study of language in connection with history and literature. filologie
πŸ”Š 55 philosophize verb To seek ultimate causes and principles. filosoferen
πŸ”Š 56 philosophy noun The general principles, laws, or causes that furnish the rational explanation of anything. filosofie
πŸ”Š 57 phlegmatic adjective Not easily roused to feeling or action. nugter
πŸ”Š 58 phonetic adjective Representing articulate sounds or speech. fonetiese
πŸ”Š 59 phonic adjective Pertaining to the nature of sound. fonetiese
πŸ”Š 60 phonogram noun A graphic character symbolizing an articulate sound. fonogrammen
πŸ”Š 61 phonology noun The science of human vocal sounds. fonologie
πŸ”Š 62 phosphorescence noun The property of emitting light. fosforessensie
πŸ”Š 63 photoelectric adjective Pertaining to the combined action of light and electricity. fotoelektriese
πŸ”Š 64 photometer noun Any instrument for measuring the intensity of light or comparing the intensity of two lights. fotometer
πŸ”Š 65 photometry noun The art of measuring the intensity of light. fotometrie
πŸ”Š 66 physicist noun A specialist in the science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and energy. fisikus
πŸ”Š 67 physics noun The science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and energy. fisika
πŸ”Š 68 physiognomy noun The external appearance merely. fysionomie
πŸ”Š 69 physiography noun Description of nature. fisiografie
πŸ”Š 70 physiology noun The science of organic functions. fisiologie
πŸ”Š 71 physique noun The physical structure or organization of a person. liggaamsbou
πŸ”Š 72 piccolo noun A small flute. piccolo
πŸ”Š 73 piece noun A loose or separated part, as distinguished from the whole or the mass. stuk
πŸ”Š 74 piecemeal adverb Gradually. stuksgewys
πŸ”Š 75 pillage noun Open robbery, as in war. roof
πŸ”Š 76 pillory noun A wooden framework in which an offender is fastened to boards and is exposed to public scorn. kaak
πŸ”Š 77 pincers noun An instrument having two lever-handles and two jaws working on a pivot. knypers
πŸ”Š 78 pinchers noun An instrument having two jaws working on a pivot. knypers
πŸ”Š 79 pinnacle noun A high or topmost point, as a mountain-peak. toppunt
πŸ”Š 80 pioneer noun One among the first to explore a country. pionier
πŸ”Š 81 pious adjective Religious. vroom
πŸ”Š 82 pique verb To excite a slight degree of anger in. pique
πŸ”Š 83 piteous adjective Compassionate. bedroef
πŸ”Š 84 pitiable adjective Contemptible. ellendigste
πŸ”Š 85 pitiful adjective Wretched. jammerlike
πŸ”Š 86 pitiless adjective Hard-hearted. genadelose
πŸ”Š 87 pittance noun Any small portion or meager allowance. honger loon
πŸ”Š 88 placate verb To bring from a state of angry or hostile feeling to one of patience or friendliness. paai
πŸ”Š 89 placid adjective Serene. kalm
πŸ”Š 90 plagiarism noun The stealing of passages from the writings of another and publishing them as one's own. plagiaat
πŸ”Š 91 planisphere noun A polar projection of the heavens on a chart. planisfeer
πŸ”Š 92 plasticity noun The property of some substances through which the form of the mass can readily be changed. plastisiteit
πŸ”Š 93 platitude noun A written or spoken statement that is flat, dull, or commonplace. banaliteit
πŸ”Š 94 plaudit noun An expression of applause. applaus
πŸ”Š 95 plausible adjective Seeming likely to be true, though open to doubt. geloofwaardige
πŸ”Š 96 playful adjective Frolicsome. speelse
πŸ”Š 97 playwright noun A maker of plays for the stage. dramaturg
πŸ”Š 98 plea noun An argument to obtain some desired action. pleidooi
πŸ”Š 99 pleasant adjective Agreeable. aangename
πŸ”Š 100 pleasurable adjective Affording gratification. aangename
πŸ”Š 101 plebeian adjective Common. plebejer
πŸ”Š 102 pledgee noun The person to whom anything is pledged. pandhouer
πŸ”Š 103 plenary adjective Entire. voltallige
πŸ”Š 104 plenipotentiary noun A person fully empowered to transact any business. gevolmagtigde
πŸ”Š 105 plenitude noun Abundance. volheid
πŸ”Š 106 plenteous adjective Abundant. voedsaam
πŸ”Š 107 plumb noun A weight suspended by a line to test the verticality of something. Plumb
πŸ”Š 108 plummet noun A piece of lead for making soundings, adjusting walls to the vertical. skietlood
πŸ”Š 109 pluperfect adjective Expressing past time or action prior to some other past time or action. voltooi verlede tyd
πŸ”Š 110 plural adjective Containing or consisting of more than one. meervoud
πŸ”Š 111 plurality noun A majority. pluraliteit
πŸ”Š 112 plutocracy noun A wealthy class in a political community who control the government by means of their money. plutocratie
πŸ”Š 113 pneumatic adjective Pertaining to or consisting of air or gas. pneumatiese
πŸ”Š 114 poesy noun Poetry. poΓ«sie
πŸ”Š 115 poetaster noun An inferior poet. prul digter
πŸ”Š 116 poetic adjective Pertaining to poetry. poΓ«tiese
πŸ”Š 117 poetics noun The rules and principles of poetry. poΓ«tika
πŸ”Š 118 poignancy noun Severity or acuteness, especially of pain or grief. skerp
πŸ”Š 119 poignant adjective Severely painful or acute to the spirit. aangrypende
πŸ”Š 120 poise noun Equilibrium. houding
πŸ”Š 121 polar adjective Pertaining to the poles of a sphere, especially of the earth. polΓͺre
πŸ”Š 122 polemics noun The art of controversy or disputation. polemiek
πŸ”Š 123 pollen noun The fine dust-like grains or powder formed within the anther of a flowering plant. stuifmeel
πŸ”Š 124 pollute verb To contaminate. besoedel
πŸ”Š 125 polygamy noun the fact or condition of having more than one wife or husband at once. poligamie
πŸ”Š 126 polyglot adjective Speaking several tongues. veeltalige
πŸ”Š 127 polygon noun A figure having many angles. veelhoek
πŸ”Š 128 polyhedron noun A solid bounded by plane faces, especially by more than four. poliΓ«der
πŸ”Š 129 polysyllable adjective Having several syllables, especially more than three syllables. polysyllable
πŸ”Š 130 polytechnic adjective Pertaining to, embracing, or practicing many arts. Politegnikum
πŸ”Š 131 polytheism noun The doctrine or belief that there are more gods than one. politeΓ―sme
πŸ”Š 132 pommel verb To beat with something thick or bulky. stompen
πŸ”Š 133 pomposity noun The quality of being marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner. geswel
πŸ”Š 134 pompous adjective Marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner. luisterryk
πŸ”Š 135 ponder verb To meditate or reflect upon. bepeins
πŸ”Š 136 ponderous adjective Unusually weighty or forcible. swaar
πŸ”Š 137 pontiff noun The Pope. Pous
πŸ”Š 138 populace noun The common people. bevolking
πŸ”Š 139 populous adjective Containing many inhabitants, especially in proportion to the territory. digbevolkte
πŸ”Š 140 portend verb To indicate as being about to happen, especially by previous signs. voorspel
πŸ”Š 141 portent noun Anything that indicates what is to happen. teken
πŸ”Š 142 portfolio noun A portable case for holding writing-materials, drawings, etc. portefeulje
πŸ”Š 143 posit verb To present in an orderly manner. poneren
πŸ”Š 144 position noun The manner in which a thing is placed. posisie
πŸ”Š 145 positive adjective Free from doubt or hesitation. positiewe
πŸ”Š 146 posse noun A force of men. possession
πŸ”Š 147 possess verb To own. besit
πŸ”Š 148 possession noun The having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command. besit
πŸ”Š 149 possessive adjective Pertaining to the having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command. besitlike
πŸ”Š 150 possessor noun One who owns, enjoys, or controls anything, as property. Skepper
πŸ”Š 151 possible adjective Being not beyond the reach of power natural, moral, or supernatural. moontlik
πŸ”Š 152 postdate verb To make the date of any writing later than the real date. Posdatum
πŸ”Š 153 posterior noun The hinder part. posterior
πŸ”Š 154 postgraduate adjective Pertaining to studies that are pursued after receiving a degree. nagraadse
πŸ”Š 155 postscript noun Something added to a letter after the writer's signature. naskrif
πŸ”Š 156 potency noun Power. sterkte
πŸ”Š 157 potent adjective Physically powerful. kragtige
πŸ”Š 158 potentate noun One possessed of great power or sway. Heerser
πŸ”Š 159 potential noun Anything that may be possible. potensiaal
πŸ”Š 160 potion noun A dose of liquid medicine. doepa
πŸ”Š 161 powerless adjective Impotent. magteloos
πŸ”Š 162 practicable adjective Feasible. uitvoerbaar
πŸ”Š 163 prate verb To talk about vainly or foolishly. gebabbel
πŸ”Š 164 prattle verb To utter in simple or childish talk. gesnap
πŸ”Š 165 preamble noun A statement introductory to and explanatory of what follows. aanhef
πŸ”Š 166 precarious adjective Perilous. haglike
πŸ”Š 167 precaution noun A provision made in advance for some possible emergency or danger. voorsorgmaatreΓ«l
πŸ”Š 168 precede verb To happen first. voorafgaan
πŸ”Š 169 precedence noun Priority in place, time, or rank. voorrang
πŸ”Š 170 precedent noun An instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule. presedent
πŸ”‡ precedential adjective Of the nature of an instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule. precedent
πŸ”Š 172 precipice noun A high and very steep or approximately vertical cliff. afgrond
πŸ”Š 173 precipitant adjective Moving onward quickly and heedlessly. steil
πŸ”Š 174 precipitate verb To force forward prematurely. neerslag
πŸ”Š 175 precise adjective Exact. presiese
πŸ”Š 176 precision noun Accuracy of limitation, definition, or adjustment. presisie
πŸ”Š 177 preclude verb To prevent. verhoed
πŸ”Š 178 precocious adjective Having the mental faculties prematurely developed. vir altyd
πŸ”Š 179 precursor noun A forerunner or herald. voorloper
πŸ”Š 180 predatory adjective Prone to pillaging. buit
πŸ”Š 181 predecessor noun An incumbent of a given office previous to another. voorganger
πŸ”Š 182 predicament noun A difficult, trying situation or plight. penarie
πŸ”Š 183 predicate verb To state as belonging to something. predikaat
πŸ”Š 184 predict verb To foretell. voorspel
πŸ”Š 185 prediction noun A prophecy. voorspelling
πŸ”Š 186 predominance noun Ascendancy or preponderance. oorheersing
πŸ”Š 187 predominant adjective Superior in power, influence, effectiveness, number, or degree. oorheersende
πŸ”Š 188 predominate verb To be chief in importance, quantity, or degree. oorheers
πŸ”Š 189 preeminence noun Special eminence. eerste kan
πŸ”Š 190 preempt verb To secure the right of preference in the purchase of public land. vooruit te loop
πŸ”Š 191 preemption noun The right or act of purchasing before others. preemption
πŸ”Š 192 preestablish verb To settle or arrange beforehand. preestablish
πŸ”Š 193 preexist verb To exist at a period or in a state earlier than something else. preexist
πŸ”Š 194 preexistence noun Existence antecedent to something. preexistence
πŸ”Š 195 preface noun A brief explanation or address to the reader, at the beginning of a book. voorwoord
πŸ”Š 196 prefatory adjective Pertaining to a brief explanation to the reader at the beginning of a book. inleidend
πŸ”Š 197 prefer verb To hold in higher estimation. verkies
πŸ”Š 198 preferable adjective More desirable than others. verkieslik
πŸ”Š 199 preference noun An object of favor or choice. voorkeur
πŸ”Š 200 preferential adjective Possessing, giving, or constituting preference or priority. voorkeur

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